By the Flood’s Waters…


In 1991, while serving as the pastor of First Lutheran Church, Potter, Neb., and Grace Lutheran Church, Gurley, Neb., I prepared a second series of six daily devotions, calling the collection “Baptized in the Name: Devotions for the Harvest.” This is the second in the collection.

Reading: Genesis 9:8-17

“By the waters of the flood you condemned the wicked and saved those whom you had chosen, Noah and his family.” (Martin Luther’s Flood Prayer, Holy Baptism, Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 122)


We are often tempted to name others wicked and count ourselves among God’s chosen few. This scripture reminds us that God—and not any of us—judges in the end. But even so, through the purifying flood, God cleansed his world and saved a remnant so his creatures might begin anew.

So it is in our Baptism. Through the washing with Word and Water, God judges us sinners, he cleanses us, and he draws us refreshed from the font, so we may begin anew.

As the rainbow reminds us of God’s pledge never to destroy the world, the cross is his promise to destroy the power of sin for the sake of the world.


LORD God, forgive us for judging others. We come to you for cleansing and rebirth, so that we may begin anew to care for one another and your creation. Amen.

Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus